ORT JUMP Working Skills Day 2024-2025


The ORT JUMP Working Skills Day has returned for 2024-2025!

This year we’re planning to take the programme into even more schools, helping more students to bridge the gap between school and the workplace.

Last week we delivered our first Working Skills Day of the academic year at Yavneh College. We ran interactive sessions for Year 12 students, exploring a whole range of skills required in the workplace.

Our seven wonderful facilitators led workshops involving decision making, strategic planning, creative thinking, influencing people, partnerships, collaborative working and negotiation.

We were so impressed with the enthusiasm shown by the students who were fully engaged in the tasks set. Many of them took the opportunity to network, ask insightful questions and explore potential career paths.

Thank you to Yavneh College, our facilitators and all the students who participated.

If you’d like to find out more about our ORT JUMP programmes or to become an ORT JUMP facilitator, please email jump@ortuk.org or visit ortuk.org/jump