Inaugural ORT JUMP Mentor Event

18.04.24 ORT JUMP

Every year, hundreds of incredible professionals volunteer their time to offer careers guidance, support and wisdom to Year 12 students on the ORT JUMP Mentoring Programme, so we wanted to offer something in return.

This March, we held our very first mentors event, with guest speaker and mentor Clive Gringras, Partner and Head of Technology, Media and Telecom at CMS. Clive offered guests an insight into the potential impact of AI on the workforce, which was fascinating and frightening in equal measures!

In addition, we heard from several of our wonderful mentors about their vastly different and often non-linear career journeys and their mentoring experiences.

There was also an opportunity to ask questions, network, and enjoy a post-work sushi buffet.

We loved seeing and hearing from Clive and all our guests and we hope everyone had a great evening.

To find out more, please visit: ORT JUMP Mentoring Programme or email